Currently our Deaconesses are Pat Dalton, Scarlet Swan, and Alison Connolly.
The Deaconesses are responsible for setting up Communion the first Sunday of every month and also for co-ordinating receptions or luncheons for funerals for those related in some way to our congregation. Pat Dalton will serve as co-ordinator for these activities.
The Deaconesses are also jointly responsible for being the Church Care providers in cases of sickness, losses, and so on. Scarlet Swan will be the Care Co-ordinator, thus becoming the go-to person to share awareness of sickness/losses where it might be appropriate for the church to reach out.
In addition, in recognition of their outstanding service over many years, Betty Beutenmiller and Shirley Staffen have been appointed as Honourary Deaconesses.
If you would like to inform the Deaconesses of someone who is in need of care, please contact them at 519.527.0982.
Tuesdays til Fridays