
Here are the Facebook groups and pages affliated with our church:

Main Page

Youth Group (The Pulse)

Men's Breakfast

Vacation Bible School


RightNow Media

With a free subscription through Bethel Bible Church, you can access over 15,000 videos with Christian content, from Bible studies to children's shows.

RightNow Media has content for small groups, families, students, leadership development, and much more, and comes from over 250 top Christian publishers and ministries. 

To set up your free subscription, please contact Pastor Laurie (pastor@bethelbiblechurch.ca)

ESV Reading Plans as Podcasts - The Gospel Coalition

If you have always wanted to read through the Bible all the way in a year, now you can do that while listening to it being read to you by subscribing to these podcasts.

This link to The Gospel Coalition tells you how.


The Story - Truth for Life

A visual walk through the entire story of how God planned, accomplished and, applied our salvation. 

Explore The Story HERE


Global Hymn Sing

Join over 400,000 people from 2,200 churches in 55 countries singing.  

So far, 439,298 people from 2,274 churches in 55 countries have signed up to join the Global Hymn Sing.

Join with hundreds of thousands of people in thousands of churches all over the world as we sing "Jesus Shall Reign" in 2018 as an act of unity in God's Mission.

We pray that you will be spurred on to witness to Christ where you are and to partner in what God is doing around the world.

To be a part of future Gloabl Hmyn Sings, or view past events HERE